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J4 Torque Paintball Markierer zulassung?

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J4 Torque Paintball Markierer zulassung?


17.02.2017 12:23

Nach großen start schwiergigkeiten sieht es so aus das sie nun alles in den griff bekommen haben (siehe Facebook).

Gab es in Deutschland schon mal ein Zulassungsversuch?

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Rain Man
Rain Man
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17.02.2017 12:33

Man kann doch gar keine torque kaufen
Die reparieren nur an der ersten Serie rum

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Re: J4 Torque Paintball Markierer zulassung?


17.02.2017 14:23

vnyzzm hat geschrieben:Nach großen start schwiergigkeiten sieht es so aus das sie nun alles in den griff bekommen haben (siehe Facebook)
Wo auf FB?

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ForumBadges: Bild
Beiträge: 328
Registriert: 24.07.2016 05:34


17.02.2017 15:28

Close to Final Send-out Post:
At the moment, we have every gun in a box, ready to ship. They should, address pending, be out of here tomorrow or Saturday. At the latest, Monday.
Most of these guns have been done for a few weeks, but we have been testing, checking, and in almost every case the guns have been tested, put in a box, pulled out a week later, tested again, repeat. We have 4 techs, and they checked each other’s work. Most of the guns have been tested about 4 times. We did find a few more issues on a few guns, a leak, or a board that pooped out. We have replaced about $140 worth of parts on most of guns. New ASA in a couple cases, new solenoids on quite a few guns, new boards, eye boards, bolts, switch internals.
As they sit now, they all run great. Not just good. Go out and slaughter. One of the previously returned guns went out last weekend and took out 30-40 guys. We had 3 guns on the field last weekend and they were flawless. The guns already in people’s hands have been working great, with only one having an issue. It has since been fixed and is in the shipping pile for this week.
The only issue right now is efficiency. We are up to about Tippmann level, with a few doing better. They are running at the right velocity, and pressure, but 1200-1300 on a 68*4500 is about average. That is not what we got on the prototypes. I have a handle on what it might be, one of the only big changes left between the pre-production and the production versions. I hope to be testing on that here very soon. It should have some other performance benefits also.
That being said – if there is ANY problem, our techs want to fix it. These guys have been awesome. Really sharp, and super excited, and tearing through any problem in their path. They are on a mission to make every gun run all the time, every time, and have taken this on personally. Do not thank me so much for getting your gun back, thank them. Well, maybe for not hiring these guys sooner.
Next week they plan to start building on the remaining Batch 1 guns. Some of these are returns, some of these were never shipped out, some of these were the Tech Guns. We will have these for sale in the next week or so, some with discounts.
After that we start building the Batch 2 guns. My hope is to be ready to start selling them in the next 3 weeks or less. We plan on doing all sales retail to start, partially to keep tighter tabs on any issues as they pop up, though a good portion has to do with making sure we have enough capital to keep J4 rolling forward. Also we need to dust off our old dealers information and legalese. We will have a list of parts we will need produced here soon, so if you have contacted us in the past (like Jordan) we will be contacting you for some quotes.
We are making some decisions on future QC options also. If we hit a certain sales level we can make a good solid step forward in having better control and faster production of our product, quicker updates, and support products like the Mech Switch. So expect some sales-y stuff from us as we try and make that goal.
Again, we have tested everything – and if there is any problem after today, we will fix it. New solenoid, new switch, new piston, gripframe, whatever you need. We have it and are ready to go. We will get a Tech@j4pb.com email setup in the next week for you guys to contact them directly with questions.
I really hope you guys have a great week next week.
edit: sind aber mehrere beiträge, in denen sie jetzt schreiben das alles "funktioniert" wie es sollte!

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