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Naughty Dogs Statement zum PSP Boykott

Forum zu amerikanischen Paintball Serien
Der alte Mann und das Hub
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Naughty Dogs Statement zum PSP Boykott


19.07.2005 10:12

Offical Statement:
Rocky Knuth, Naughty Dogs

The Naughty Dogs are not boycotting the PSP. As long as our competition are attending the PSP events, we (Naughty Dogs) will be there also. There is a video on the internet that is being circulated with a clip of me (Rocky Knuth) stating that we are boycotting their events.

Let me first apologize for my language and behavior. I was very upset with the call the judges “changed” after the game was over that kept us from playing in overtime. Sometimes things are said that are not meant when angry or during the heat of the game. I am a very nice guy off the field, on the field my intensity level is very high.

Also no hard feelings to XSV or Rich Telford, they did what they had to do to go to the next round.

Rocky Knuth
Captain: Naughty Dogs Inc.

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