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Free Ego Upgrades


Der alte Mann und das Hub
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Free Ego Upgrades


06.01.2005 21:18

Soo, nachdem es ja etwas Wirbel um die nicht idealen Ball Detends der Ego gab, hier nun das Angebot von Planet Eclipse an die Ego Besitzer, zu den Detends gibt es noch einen neuen Bolzen:
Originally posted by Jack Wood
OK every one, here's the deal.

Since before Christmas we have been working flat out to get to the root of the cause of the chopping problems that some guns have been displaying. These are the results:

Firstly we found that the material that the red ball detents are made from is not up to the same specification that the prototype detents we used in all our pre-production tests. On top of that, the design of the detent, combined with the material, does not work effectively with some paints, some loaders, and at some temperatures.

1) We have completely re-designed the shape of the detent to give it more rigidity in the horizontal direction, but still fit the slot in the body. This makes it retro-fittable to every Ego.
2) We have also changed the material to a far more durable and elastic product. The new detents will not take a set (retain an un-natural shape) if left in a deformed position, and do not end up bent forward after prolonged use. They are also more resistant to fatigue and have higher tear strength.
The new detents can easily be distinguished as they are black, and have wings at the side that fit into the detent slot in the Ego’s body.

Secondly: Reloader B’s crushing fragile paint. This is a problem that has been highlighted by a number of people complaining of “Chopping” whilst using Reloader Bs. The problem we had to start with was that we could not create the problem here at the head office in Manchester UK. We could not, with any of the paint we could get our hands on, recreate the problem. Then, during the week before Christmas, 2 things happened. In RI the Eclipse Factory team came across 2 batches of paint that displayed this very strange break/chop problem. On top of that, the Jaguars, another Eclipse sponsored team, trained with a batch of paint that displayed the same characteristics. At last we had something to work with!

CONCLUSION: What we discovered is a very strange phenomenon that actually affects quite a few different makes of marker out there. The problem is caused by a combination of small gauge, fragile paint, and Reloader Bs.
The actual problem is this: Ball 1 sits in the breech waiting to be fired. Ball 2 sits on top of ball 1 in the feed tube. Ball 2 is being pushed down into the breech by the force exerted by the Reloader B. Because the Reloader B exerts so much force (hence why it is so much faster than other loaders) on the stack of balls, Ball 2 actually protrudes slightly into the breech area. Obviously the smaller the balls, the greater amount of ball 2 protrudes into the breech. When you pull the trigger, the bolt comes forward and pushes Ball 1 into the barrel. The front, top edge of the bolt then strikes the bottom of Ball 2. This is the problem and one of two things can now happen. Either Ball 2 gets fractured by the lip of the bolt hitting it at 300 mph, or in the worse case scenario Ball 2 has a small hole punctured in it, leaving a trail of paint right across the top of the bolt. Ball 1 gets fired, no problem. However Ball 2 is now sat in the breech, waiting to be fired, either already fractured, or with a hole already in it. When you next pull the trigger, be it 1/10th second or 10 seconds later, Ball 2 blows up right on the face of the bolt. This can look like a chop, as there is paint on the bolt (though mainly on the face) and often some paint right at the bottom of the feed tube.

The distinction is that these are not ordinary chops in the sense we have seen before. And it is not confined to the Ego. Our testing showed that other markers have the same problem, to greater or lesser degrees with the same paint and same loader.

We have a new bolt design that drastically reduces the concussion on Ball 2. We are now able to shoot full loaders of paint so fragile that in other guns we can only get 5-10 balls out before they break using a Reloader B. In addition to that we have incorporated a clever design that actually forces the detents to return to their fully extended position so that they are ready for the next ball arriving.

So how does this affect you? Well everyone who has returned their voucher will automatically receive their free upgrade pack, which will now also include a new bolt! That means, if you haven’t returned your voucher, you won’t get one!

Please tell everyone you can to get the voucher returned ASAP to get new bolt, new detents, the printed manual and some other stuff.

Upgrade packs will start to ship next week (but expect delivery to be the week after if you live stateside).

If you have any questions at all, contact nick.t@planteclipse.com



Hut ab, PE! Stehen zu Fehlern und machen sie wieder gut! :msmiley1:

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06.01.2005 22:48

Jep und man glaubts nicht, die verlangen keine 104 EUR von einem um die Kostruktionsfehler die sie am anfang gemacht haben wieder gut zu machen, wie SP mit dem HE Boltkit. So mag ich das.

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07.01.2005 01:02

Fein, fein :D

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07.01.2005 10:46

planet rockt!!! :msmiley1:

so nen customer support lob ich mir. gott bin ich froh ego-ist zu sein ;).

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08.01.2005 00:40

Tja es hat so manch Vorteil, ab und zu Ego-istisch zu sein!

Einfach Planet - I'm Lovin' It -

Hatte das/die Problem(e) nämlich auch mit V35 Halo und Tomahawk classic

Aber zum Glück gibt es Eclipse! Bei meiner Nexus waren die Upgrades leider nie gratis :-(

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Meer
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22.02.2005 18:33

Tja, ein bisserl lächerlich ist es schon:
Originally posted by Nicky T
The new style black triangular shaped detents have proved to be more effective than we first thought they might be, so here is an update to help you prolong the life of your new detents.

The detents were designed to be long enough so that when wear occurred there would still be sufficient length left for the detent to do its job. The material used proved so durable that the additional length actually caused the detent to be caught by the bolt and in some cases eventually ripped free from it's base.

To minimise the chances of this occurring in your Ego, you can modify the detents by cutting off 1/2 mm from the tip of each detent using a sharp knife. Obviously do this whilst the detents are out of your Ego body.


Nicky T.

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Meer
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Beiträge: 25876
Registriert: 23.09.2003 12:25


03.03.2005 23:10

Spannend das auch die neuen Detends, durchaus nur 8.000 Schuss halten können, wenn man sie nicht, wie oben beschrieben kürzt.


Nun gekürzt.


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04.03.2005 08:04


Warum sagen sie denn nicht gleich das Spyderdetends besser funktionieren als deren Kram ;)

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Wohnort: konstanz
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04.03.2005 08:42

Ben hat geschrieben::lol:

Warum sagen sie denn nicht gleich das Spyderdetends besser funktionieren als deren Kram ;)
passen angeblich nicht :dunno: (aber kannst mir ja mal welche schicken, dann probier ich's aus ;)) ... muss aber sagen das ich bis jetzt *auf_holz_klopf* noch keine probleme damit hatte, und mein erster satz (von den neuen, ungekuerzten detents) ist jetzt ca. drei kisten lang im einsatz (jaaa, ich weiss... das sind noch keine 8000 kugeln ;)). werde es nach dem wochenende sehen ob sie auch die 4.++ kiste ueberstanden haben.

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Meer
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Beiträge: 25876
Registriert: 23.09.2003 12:25


29.03.2005 17:12

Yes we have done something about the problem.
We have been using a slightly modified detent, and a slightly modified bolt for the past month and all looks good.
At HB we were replacing old detents when we were doing the upgrades and didn't have any back through the duration of the event.
The new detents are slightly shorter in stock form, and where the base of the detent meets the prong, there is a radius that prevents stress concentrations as the prong flexes. This stops it fracturing across the base and ripping the prong off.

The bolt mod is the one seen on all the bolts leaving here in the last 6 weeks.
The detent slot is now ramped at the front so there is no shearing action on the detent as the bolt retracts. On the older bolts the sharp lip at the front can be rounded out with a knife to produce a similar shape and results. Just don't let the slot break through into the front face or you'll lose velocity.

Hope that clears things up. If anyone has any pics of the new bolt, with the tear-drop slot, that would be great.

Es geht weiter in der verzweifelten Suche nach dem richtigen Bolzenkonzept und passender Detends. Warum lassen sie es einfach nicht so wie es ist bzw. machen dieses letzte Upgrade und verkaufen als Massenware Balldetends, die Timmyspieler haben sich doch auch daran gewöhnt, ihre Detends fleissig zu wechseln, wenn diese verschliessen sind und nicht nur die Timmyspieler. :)

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Wohnort: konstanz
Beiträge: 668
Registriert: 29.02.2004 21:23


29.03.2005 20:50

ich versteh ehrlich gesagt das problem nicht... ich hab, seitdem ich mein upgrade kit bekommen habe, meine detents nicht wechseln muessen (und hab sie auch nicht gekuerzt)... da sind inzwischen sicher gut 10 kisten paint durchgegangen und die dinger sehen immer noch top aus!
Zuletzt geändert von XePMoTiG am 29.03.2005 21:03, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.

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29.03.2005 20:56

jop kann ich xep nur zustimmen hab durch meine schon ca 5 kisten oder mehr durch und so gehts den ganzen team ^^ keine platzer einfach herrlich ^^

btw der typ mit den detends sollte unbedingt ins nagelstudio gehen

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