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mehr Effizienz dank Lurker Eigenrod


Rain Man
Rain Man
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mehr Effizienz dank Lurker Eigenrod


05.06.2012 07:50

Das Prinzip ist ähnlich wie beim DM Eigenring


A rod using our DM Eigenring technology to dynamically devolumize the Luxe.

- Efficiency increase of 1-2 pods on a 68/45 (number to be updated as data comes in)

22$ soll er kosten


Lurker hat geschrieben:The entirety of the rod moves - the partial seal separates the volume and the rod sections act as stops/travel delimiters.

You do have to increase pressure slightly, but less than excluding the equivalent volume with normal devolumization. As far as I can tell, this is because the reactive motion of the devolumizing element naturally keeps the pressure higher (those length/travel ratios are crucial to this) which slightly increases the area under the curve of flow through the bolt (mass flow scales with pressure differential).

Part of the benefit in DMs is that keeping the chamber pressure high results in the ability to lower dwells even further than normal (DMs are slightly forward biased, like ions. Shockers and luxes are actually true neutral). So, that part of the effect is out. That's why I still plan on making the bolt proper.
Tester hat geschrieben:to give you an idea of having to raise your HP a bit heres a paraphrased part of a pm i sent lurker with some test results i had. i wanted to see how much drop in velocity there would be after dropping in the rod to see if there would be any added fluctuations in velocity as well:

with that being said i ran 4 tests: 1. stock set up, 2. ef rod type of mod, 3. eigen rod. all were done with a stock 1.0 engine unsprung with dwell @16ms. paint used was a very crappy valken infinity paint matched to a 687 ss freak bore.

i didnt increase and pressures. i kept everything the same just to see the velocity drop and consistency of 5 paintballs being shot thru each setup.

1 stock fps was 299 302 298 300 296

ef rod cut the length of the guide from 2nd oring to the back - 275 278 276 280 272

eigen rod setup - 282 290 285 287 295

so of course the standard ef rod will require a larger increase of pressure to get back up to 300fps resulting in what will be a louder gun(kick im sure can be tuned out with dwell and manifold adjustments).

the eigen rod will need the least amount of increase(awesome!) to get back up to 300fps resulting in a gun very close to the stock setup in sound.

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