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Procaps signs Edmonton Impact

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Procaps signs Edmonton Impact


27.12.2010 18:33

“Edmonton Impact is very excited to announce that they will be joining Draxxus for the 2011 NPPL and PSP seasons. Along with shooting the Gold Hellfire brand of paint, Impact will be wearing the Vforce Grills to represent Draxxus on the field. Draxxus was one of the original sponsors of Edmonton Impact in their early climb through divisional paintball, and is one of the reasons the team has become what it is today. Looking forward to the 2011 season, Impact is hoping to capture their first overall championship while representing one of the most legendary paintball companies in the history of the sport. 2011 will be an all new year for Edmonton Impact who look to dominate the competition with Draxxus as their newest sponsor!”, says Bart Yachimec, of Edmonton Impact.

Josh Davey, Impact’s Captain said, “I’m happy to be working again with the first company that sponsored me as a pro player. I wore Profilers playing on Oakland Assasins and it’s good to be back with DXS and VForce, feels like being reunited with family.”

“Impact’s achievements on and off the field makes them an ideal candidate to represent our brands. With Edmonton Impact on board and more announcements coming shortly, 2011 will be a great year for Procaps & its family.” said Eric Stork, Procaps Director of Sales.

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30.12.2010 17:01

Quelle paintball.com
(..) In 2011 Edmonton Impact is a world-class-championship team, a top contender to win both the NPPL and the PSP series title. Among their paintball sponsorships: Planet Eclipse, Exalt, ProPaintball.com, GoPaintball.ca, Paintball Action Games, PaintballPhotograph.com, PbNation, NXe, VForce, and DXS Paintball there also includes sponsorships from BMW, DODGE, MINI, MITSUBISHI, HONDA, and NISSAN. These sponsorships will contribute to the growth of paintball. A true sign of a team who is dedicated to being ambassadors of paintball and to win the title in 2011. (..)
Ich fand diese Passage sehr sehr aussergewöhnlich. Gut wir sind nicht Amerika, Deutschland denkt anders. Die BMW Niederlassung in Amerika entscheidet sicher frei wohin die Ihr Geld schießen, jedoch finde ich diese Entwicklung einfach mal erwähnenswert.

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