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A letter from Russian Legion

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
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A letter from Russian Legion


23.03.2011 21:45

Here is a letter from the Russian Legion sent to the paintball community.

"Here is something about last event.

The first event of the year is always the hardest for Russian Legion, this is no secret. And the PSP has made things "interesting" by deciding to change the layout of the field, and certain aspects of the game itself. All things considered RL had a productive first event. We were able to secure the top sponsors we wanted for the 2011 season:GI paintballs, MACDev guns, SLY equipment, GA air systems, Virtue electronics, KM apparel, PBcustoms lasering, PBphotography and Social paintball media and new Rl supporters like DYE precision and Exalt, so everything worked flawlessly. We brought new players who played in there first event, and they gained valuable experience.

Our team has a lot of experience in finals games, but not much experience in losing them. It's probably the worst feeling in professional paintball, knowing that you can and should win, but having the other team take it away from you. We have done it countless times to teams, and overall it can take you in two directions; you can worry about the future, worry about losing again, and inevitably become worst because of it. Or you can learn from it, which is what professionals are suppose to do. Our team is built to learn from its mistakes, and we will come back and work harder to become more dominant in any type of game they decide to change this league to. Thanks again to all of our amazing fans, and our great sponsors, you make us who we are.

Russian Legion"

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23.03.2011 22:25

...werden auch 2011 wieder world champions

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Meer
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Registriert: 23.09.2003 12:25


23.03.2011 22:30

ich glaube dynasty könnte es ihnen schwer machen...

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Wohnort: 300fps-Störenfriedhausen
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23.03.2011 22:34

der drache is schon n brett dies jahr

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23.03.2011 23:07

peinlich, sich quasi für den 2. Platz zu entschuldigen ..man kann doch nicht immer gewinnen

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23.03.2011 23:32

nicht in russland.

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23.03.2011 23:34

Wer weiß was halt von denen erwartet wird. Ist halt deren Beruf... Ich hoffe sie machen es wieder 2011, auch wenn Dynasty ( wie schon gesagt oben ) sehr stark gespielt hat das erste Event!

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Wohnort: Schildkröten-Schule
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24.03.2011 00:57

Dynasty hat gut angefangen mal schaun ob se gegen die "Maschienen" gut genug sind im Finale.

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Wohnort: Minga
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24.03.2011 09:26

Ich denke das ist eher Reflexion, weniger "Entschuldigung".

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24.03.2011 14:36

russische dampfwalze muss erstmal anlaufen aber wenn die erstmal schwung hat uiuiuiu ^^
bin mal auf die nächste begegnung mit dynasty gespannt....

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24.03.2011 22:19

Die Legion ist echt ein Brett. Die Trainieren sau hart u. ich bin mir sicher, dass sich dieser Vorteil als bald auch im Ergebnis niederschlagen wird. 1. Event, 2. Platz who cares. Das Endergebnis zählt.

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Meer
ForumBadges: Bild
Beiträge: 25876
Registriert: 23.09.2003 12:25


07.02.2012 12:56

“Dear fans,

We are grateful for your support of the team and your belief in us for so many years. You are always with us no matter what: victory or fail. We believe that we may always rely on your trust. We always feel your love. When you are upset with our failures we are upset even more. Therefore we think that it would be much more honest if you get the news about the Club and its life not from the paintball forums’ rumors but from us. We will try to share with you all our news, not from time to time, but on a regular basis.

In connection with the fact that last week we finished signing the contracts for 2012, we may now move forward with talking about the future of the Club.

There were no big surprises for us regarding the roster for 2012. In the beginning of November 2011, we had determined the roster for 2012. This roster is almost the same as the one you may see on our website. The only thing is, to be completely honest, we were making a big stake on our great player and veteran of the Club, Mikhail Knyazev. His experience would be very useful for our young players to learn how to play on the top level. But Mishka, due to some reasonable circumstances, was not able to bring his best as before to the training process and he has also received a very good offer from another American paintball team. According to all of these circumstances, he behaved as usual, very honest and fair. We sincerely wish him luck in his new project. A little bit later we will publish detailed information regarding other players that have left the Club for one reason or another. They’ve done huge work for the Club and for paintball in Russia. Some of them left the Club due to great offers from other teams, some did not receive an offer from us, and some feel very tired after hard years of practices. But life does not stop and all of us continue to go further.
Alexander Tarando, RL General Director

Alexander Tarando, RL General Director

So, at the moment, we have a balanced roster with a domination of young players in it. Is it good or bad? We may analyze this situation differently. Actually, almost every player in this roster already has an experience playing at the top level, except Alexey Berdnikov and Pavel Karsliev. We are definitely sure that Alex and Pavel will be able to prove their right to play for the main roster soon. Our main rule is – only the strongest plays for the main roster. I hope there is no need to talk about our veterans Aleksey Berdnikov, Vasiliy Panteleev and Kirill Prikhidny. All that is left, for our young players, is to roll up their sleeves and start practicing hard at their maximum level, keeping in mind the idea that the future of the Club depends only on them. Now, being chosen for the main roster, it is almost impossible to “sit” behind somebody’s backs. Our coaches, based on their huge amount of experience, will also try to do their best to raise the level of the team to the new and previously unreached levels. Our main goals are to not repeat the mistakes made in 2011 and to build up a good work environment in the team during practices.

We didn’t trickle away our time, and during the New Year’s holidays and the time after them, we managed to gather, from different internet forums and websites (sometimes friendly and sometimes not), lots of questions, comments, and feedback, etc. from people who are not indifferent regarding the Club’s future and the ways of its future growth. So, to make it possible to continue our dialog with them, we think it would be better if we share with you our ideas regarding the existing options of building up pro paintball teams in Russia. Actually, at the moment, there are only two real options with different variations:

Option 1 – Permanent search and long-term building up of young players for participation in top-level tournaments.

Option 2 – Hiring ready built up paintball players to achieve the highest results.

As you already know, we picked the first option and have stuck to it since 1996. Were there any mistakes during this period? Sure! We stumbled, failed, and faced up to difficulties but we kept, and still are keeping, our heads up towards the success – step by step.

Russian Legion LogoEvery owner of a big paintball organization decides on its own which option to choose and which goals to set. We, personally, are very interested in the new Russian pro teams; first of all from the point of competition. It is a well-known fact that healthy competition creates many talented young players. In Russian paintball, there are coaches who gather teams and choose, no matter how hard the choice, option 1 as we did. The brightest examples of this are Maxim Osmanov and Sergey Samuilov. I believe, that with sufficient financial support, they will be able to create, as they already have, competitive pro teams. They are proving this fact from year to year.

If we are good with the system of building up a paintball team, what is the main ingredient we need in our formula of success? First of all – it is a smoothly running, self-adaptive training process, which is created by our talented coaches. And the second thing is – ambitious players, who are able to sweat their guts out and who are able to set the most ambitious goals for themselves. The first is impossible without second and vice versa. Only this symbiotic relationship, this formula provided, allows us to reach the best results. Which, in turn, encourages our fans that our players are proud of.

Having in mind what has been said above; let’s try to describe an average Russian paintball player of a pro level, who plays in top divisions of world series:


If there is no sign of at least one of these traits, or a players start to lose one of these traits, then we will have a player who failed to release themselves, or a falling “star”.

To make the player be able to leave behind in final tournaments such teams as Dynasty, Tampa of Ironmen we need to find him, bring him to the team, organize a training process, and solve all his day-to-day issues. The percentage of players chosen after a series of tryouts who start playing for the main squad is very low, only 30%, in spite of our experience. Therefore the level or risks for our investments in the future profit is very high. Every player of ours annually costs the club: thousands of cases of paint, hundreds of coaches’ work, and thousands of dollars spent on medical coverage. But this is not the end of the list. We helped our players with the universities’ entry exams, helped with their education, and helped with their examination periods. We never left and will never leave our colleagues in difficult situations. If a player gets injured or falls ill, mainly not connected with the training process, we never leave him to sink or swim. In every case, we help him to completely recover and pay their salary on a regular basis. Sometimes we even have to deal with government authorities and army service issues. We cover accommodation expenses for the players who do not have them and many other things. It is life and a common day-to-day job.

We have the biggest team budget in Russia now, but it is not bottomless. And here we have the main question, namely: Should we try to save the player who has received a good offer from another team at all costs, which means to cut the budget for the practices or should we continue to go on according to the way we chose. Please try to understand it is really a difficult decision to make.

Sure, hiring ready-made players helps solve some of the above mentioned problems and save money. But what is next? Each year attracting players with huge salaries, and forgetting about the training process? How many years will we be able to operate in this way?

All genuine sportsmen realize that if you want to keep your skills and develop them you should practice hard; just playing in events is not sufficient. According to our experience, crisis years come after fruitful years and vice versa. And we are not an exception; all of the difficulties of the global financial crisis have had a great impact on us as well. Our huge misunderstanding of last year’s was regarding the vision of the team only as a sport project. We tried to make all the necessary corrections and adjustments and present paintball as a business to attract new financial flows.

Life never stops. And we too do not cease to exist as a paintball team.

It is a big pleasure for us to read you warm comments of support on forums. It is very important for us. Once again, many thanks to all of our fans!

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Wohnort: Schildkröten-Schule
Beiträge: 930
Registriert: 17.01.2011 21:03


07.02.2012 14:24

Dann schaun wa ma was aus Russian Legion 2012 wird.

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Registriert: 06.02.2008 11:39


07.02.2012 15:17

ich bin sicher das die "neuen nachwuchs-maschinen" genug drauf haben wenn´s drauf an kommt ;)

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