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Tadao Yakuza Board for the Intimidator...

Griffschalen, Feedtubes, Schnick-Schnack usw.
Wohnort: Bonztown Citäy B3rlin ..Sponsored By Tanked
Beiträge: 8308
Registriert: 15.07.2003 12:38

Tadao Yakuza Board for the Intimidator...


30.03.2010 14:10

Available immediately is the Yakuza USB board designed to fit an Alias Intimidator frame. Included with this kit is the mini-B USB socket, enabling connection to a desktop and Tadao’s Tengu USB Interface which provides firmware updates, settings adjustment, and custom boot screens.

To rid your marker of the flimsy membrane pad Tadao has included a replacement backplate as well as button inserts, free of charge. Select fire functionality, zero power drain while off circuitry, rate of fire, and firemode settings compatible with the major tournament leagues are all programmed into this board.

Visit http://www.tadaotechnologies.com for more information.

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