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Das pbhub Interviewt: Oliver "Ollie" Lang

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Das pbhub Interviewt: Oliver "Ollie" Lang


30.03.2015 12:15

<img src="http://pbhub.de/pix/img5/Interview_dead_fish.3.png" border="0" alt="">

Pünktlich nach dem ersten PSP und Milleniums Series Event der Saison haben wir in kleines Interview im Q&A Stil mit niemand geringeren als Oliver “Ollie” Lang geführt und ihn mal ein wenig über seine Person ausgefragt.

Was soll man über den Jungen noch berichten? Superlative sind hier gerade noch ausreichend…bester Spieler der Welt, erfolgreichster Spieler der Welt, trägt mehr Pötte auf die 50’s als nen Stamm Wanderameisen…was auch immer, am Ende stellt man eigentlich immer fest das es sich bei ihm um einen sehr entspannten Zeitgenossen handelt der stets freundlich und hilfsbereit ist und immer Zeit für seine Fans hat.
<img src="http://pbhub.de/pix/img5/Ollie1.jpg" border="0" alt="">
Ollie spricht mit uns ein bisschen über seine Jugend und über seine Ziele die im Leben noch vor ihm liegen. Aktuell könnte man meinen dass er sich auf einer spirituellen Reise befindet und wenn man ihm Glauben schenken darf dann ist das auch so. Unmittelbar nachdem er uns Rede und Antwort gestanden hat, hat er seine 1 Jährige Abstinenz vom Amerikanischen Pro-Zirkus bekannt gegeben und uns vorab eigentlich schon erklärt wieso das tut. Zitat:“become even more of a rounded compassiante grounded human being”

pbhub.de –Hey Ollie, thanks for having you. Would you like to introduce yourself?
Ollie: Hi, my Name is Ollie “Oliver Lang” Wang, born and raised in San Francisco, child of an Austrian mother and a Polish father.

pbhub.de – Yea, we already heard of your Austrian roots so there is a chance that you speak some German?
Ollie – Nine!

pbhub.de – Someone told us that you’ve been a good Skateboarder at younger ages, tell us something about it:
Ollie - It's a great sport to learn how to fall and get back up again.
Yes I was an amateur sponsored skater when I was young mainly street skating around San Francisco the EMB era of skateboarding if you guys know what that is.

pbhub.de – Come on…everybody who ever was into street skating knows the Gonz gap! You already had an amateur Sponsorship and hypothetically were able to step up to pro level. You probably could have made a living as a pro So why the hell did you ever stop skateboarding?
Ollie - My friends went to high school and I was younger I stayed behind shortly after I found paintball

pbhub.de Thank god you did! When did you start playing paintball?
Ollie - 7th grade about 13 14 years old

pbhub.de – That leads us directly to the next question: When will you stop playing paintball?
Ollie - I don't think anyone very stops playing you might just take a break.

pbhub.de – We all know guys in the game that’ll be around almost forever. We also know that you were teammates with a few of those guys…Shane Pestana should be one of those names. So please tell us which are Your former teams?
Ollie - Pretty much ironmen and iron kids but I have guested with many European teams
Joy Division Bullets Image Dogs D’amour

pbhub.de – Those are some well known names in European Paintball! Where do you compete with your current teams right now?
Ollie - I play CPL with polar bears and dynasty where ever we can play

pbhub.de – So when did you start playing in your current team?
Ollie - Five years ago

pbhub.de – We all know that it afford a huge amount of Training and also a sharpened and healthy body to perform on this level. How often do you practice?
Ollie - I practice daily but paintball any chance I get

pbhub.de – What would you call your biggest achievements in our beloved sport?
Ollie - I guess someone said I was the best in the world a few times that's pretty good I'll take it.

pbhub.de – The Polar Bears came up just a few years ago and quickly gained attention in the European Pro Circus whilst Dynasty is around for ages, how did you manage the way to your current league? (How did your team get to where you are now?)
Ollie - Practice and love for the sport

pbhub.de – We’re pretty sure that almost everybody who ever set foot on a tournament paintball field knows who you are…no doubt! How did you get such a famous Player / poster Boy in Paintball.
Ollie - I grew a sweet mustache!

pbhub.de – We never imagined it would be such a small secret! ^^ We saw lots of players who also tried the mustache thing and never made it to that particular level of skill! Anyway…how did it happen that you play the DPL German 1. Bundesliga?
Ollie - I have good friends in Europe who connect me to teams.

pbhub.de - Are there any special reasons for playing in Germany?
Ollie - I love paintball and so do the Germans!

pbhub.de - Will we see you again in Germany this year? Any plans about it?
Ollie - I hope so I just spent a month teaching clinics there so it's kinda of my European home.

pbhub.de – From your point of view: what’s the difference between playing PSP and DPL-Bundesliga or Millennium Series?
Ollie - Mainly just the amount of games in a day you play.

pbhub.de – What are the thoughts of your family and friends about you and Paintball?
Ollie - We are a beautiful international tribe of great people

pbhub.de – Oh man wish everybody would think about paintball and paintballers like this! Tell us, what is your goal for next season?
Ollie - Really work on myself and become even more of a rounded compassionate grounded human being.

pbhub.de What are your plans for the next 5 years as a professional player? We’re sure that winning tournaments is already on the list but tell us what’s on the map besides the whole competition thing?
Ollie - Not sure really something new needs to happen maybe I'll have to be the forefront to it.

pbhub.de – You already competed in a bunch of leagues and series all over the world. Which league do you think is the best/most fun, from your point of view?
Ollie - South American leagues it’s a major party down there.

pbhub.de – What type of other interests are important in the life of Oliver Lang?
Ollie - I have my many, currently I'm focusing on yoga and art.

pbhub.de – Are there any other sports that you prefer besides paintball?
Ollie - Archery is a favored but not sure if that's a sport or not art

pbhub.de – Archery also is a sport or an art which is all about the right mindset. Isn’t it? But before we get too deep into the meaning of archery please tell our pbhub friends what are you proud of?
Ollie - I'm proud of what these eyes have seen.

pbhub.de - What should we expect from you or your team in the future?
Ollie - Not sure the future doesn't exist only the now.

pbhub.de – Are there any No-Go’s out there from your Ballers view?
Ollie - Lousy reffering

pbhub.de - What events or experiences do you particularly remember the best?
Ollie - I remember the big wins the world cups and the one offs

pbhub.de – Any advice to a Beginner from somebody who went thru it all?
Ollie - Just practice and try new things but be afraid of mistakes.
<img src="http://pbhub.de/pix/img5/Ollie2.jpg" border="0" alt="">

Thank you for spending your time to us Ollie, we still got a few questions that everybody needs to answer when he gets in touch with the hub crew. Just throw ‘em down the way we ask them.

pbhub.de - Meat or tofu?
Ollie - Organic tofu

pbhub.de - Night or Day?
Ollie - Day

pbhub.de - Feast or famine?
Ollie - Both

pbhub.de - Up or Down?
Ollie - Up baby

pbhub.de - Analog or digital?
Ollie - Good question

pbhub.de - Your first paintball marker?
Ollie - Spyder

pbhub.de - Your all time favorite paintball marker?
Ollie - Ego Ollie Lang edition light ray

pbhub.de - The Worst paintball marker /stuff you ever bought?
Ollie - Can remember there's lots of junk out there.

pbhub.de - Can you live on playing paintball?
Ollie - Sure if you sell out, and have a ego driven owner.

pbhub.de - Exercise tips to stay fit?
Ollie - Jogging and yoga with meditation

pbhub.de - In which direction will development go in the paintball business?
Ollie - I guess build my brand.

pbhub.de - Wishes for further development?
Ollie - Ollie Lang training center and human growth center

pbhub.de - How do you see paintball in the Future?
Ollie - The big money is coming

pbhub.de - Who´s your role model?
Ollie - Shane Pestana and Peter Utschig

pbhub.de -Who´s your Daddy ?
Ollie - God or whatever you wanna call it.
<img src="http://pbhub.de/pix/img5/Ollie3.jpg" border="0" alt="">

Thank you for your Time Ollie. We are pretty sure that all of our pbhub friends would love to see you compete again in the DPL this year. We wish you just the best for your sabatical year...enjoy your journey!

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30.03.2015 13:12

Ich trage heute noch die 2004rer JT Hose die ich ihm auf der 2004 Pro School in Kellenbach abgekauft habe!


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Wohnort: Heinsberg
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30.03.2015 14:06

einer der entspanntesten Pro´s die ich kenne... einfach ein durchweg netter Kerl!

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Wohnort: Bern
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30.03.2015 18:09

Just practice and try new things but be afraid of mistakes.
Wirklich? Ist das vielleicht falsch zittiert worden?

Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen das er "be afraid of mistakes" gesagt hat.

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Wohnort: flaghangistan
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30.03.2015 20:46

Ich kann dir versichern das er es so geschrieben hat. Ich hab mich auch gewundert! :)

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31.03.2015 09:13

Geht wohl eher in die Richtung kein Kamikaze und auf der Adrenalin Welle reiten, sondern überlegt und diszipliniert spielen!

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Wohnort: Kiel
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31.03.2015 15:05

In diesem Zusammenhang bedeutet das "but" soviel wie "ausser oder bis auf", sprich "Einfach trainieren, neue Dinge ausprobieren, aber auf keinen Fall Angst davor haben, Fehler zu machen"... Sinngemäß...

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Wohnort: Heinsberg
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31.03.2015 15:21

aaaahhhhsoooo.... wieder was gelernt :)

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Wohnort: Heinsberg
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Registriert: 05.12.2009 13:27


11.09.2015 10:20

Ollie ist weiterhin auf Welttournee und macht gerade dieses Paintball in Indien...
Lovely to share some paintball knowledge in Mumbai. Once India catches the paintball bug it will be a huge step and level of growth. Thank you OWG paintball for hosting me.

Quelle: FB_OllieLang

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Wohnort: Reichenbach
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11.09.2015 11:31

Irgendwie sehen die alle aus wie Gangster aus einem Tony Jaa Film...

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Wohnort: Langenfeld
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11.09.2015 16:57

Und der eine ist Schlangenbeschwörer xD

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Wohnort: Mittelerde
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14.09.2015 07:34

Schurke86 hat geschrieben:Und der eine ist Schlangenbeschwörer xD
Hockt der dann mit ner Flöte hinter der snake? :denk:

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