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Axe Galore!

Wer mit wem & warum, neue Sponsoren, neue Klamotten, schnacken & spekulieren
Der alte Mann und das Hub
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Meer
ForumBadges: Bild
Beiträge: 25876
Registriert: 23.09.2003 12:25


17.02.2011 10:00

Here is the first 9 divisional teams signed on to shoot the Empire AXE this season. Congrats and welcome to the Empire... Each team will be wearing Empire clothing, goggles and hoppers and shooting the AXE marker and RPS Paintballs. I would like to thank each one of them for their support this season....

Critical Wrecking Crew a NPPL D 2 squad out of California
Dark Carnival a PSP D 3 squad out of South Carolina
Team Assault a PSP D1 squad out of Maryland
Team Minions a NPPL D2 squad out of Pennsylvania
Louisville Sluggers a PSP D1 squad out of Kentucky
Annihilators a PSP D2 squad out of Florida
Blitzkrieg a PSP D2 squad out of Florida
Team VCK a PSP D1 squad out of Texas
Team ECE a PSP D3 squad out of Florida

2011 is the Year of the AXE... Do you have yours?

Johnny Postorivo
VP of US Sales
KEE Action Sports
This is a great move - paintball guns don't need to cost any more than the axe does to deliver top-line performance. Due to it's lower pressure, the axe is already a more gentle shooter than the mini, and is compatible with mini upgrades to increase performance even further, so there's a big aftermarket of support already. Cocker barrels, ion feednecks, and even the foregrip is swappable from the mini to the axe (it looks a lot 'meaner' than stock). The axe could end up being a very popular platform for years to come, they really used the mini to optimize everything before coming out with this gun.

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Meer
ForumBadges: Bild
Beiträge: 25876
Registriert: 23.09.2003 12:25


17.02.2011 10:17

Sewell, NJ, February 16th, 2011, Empire Paintball. Empire Paintball announced today that Chicago Legend will be shooting the Empire AXE marker in 2011. In addition to shooting the AXE, the team will be head to toe Empire.

"Empire has supported Legend since the early days of playing D-3, and we really appreciate their continued loyalty. They have not only supported my team, but every league year over year to help keep our sport alive,” said Dennis Olson, Captain of Chicago Legend. “We're especially looking forward to the 2011 season and playing with the NEW EMPIRE AXE! The gun shoots GREAT - it's as simple as that."

Damian Ryan of Chicago Legend said, "Words can't explain how excited I am to be using the new Empire Axe and Empire gear on the professional level this season. I have been using EMPIRE gear for some time. They have been putting out top notch products for years and I know they will raise the bar again this season."

This is the third Pro Team to be playing with the AXE, with Legend joining Sacramento XSV and Los Angeles Infamous as teams shooting the AXE Marker for the season.
Extended grip and trigger frame and ergonomic grip for maximum comfort
Smooth and stable firing platform with feather light kick
Easy maintenance with unique push-button bolt out back design
Adjustable bearing trigger with micro-switch activation
On/Off ASA with integrated pressure regulator

“Watching Legend come up the ranks has been very rewarding,” said Johnny Postorivo, VP of US Sales. “The team, the focus, and their drive have always made them a competitive team. The fact that they have chosen to shoot the AXE for 2011 is further validation for the AXE as a serious competitive gun.”

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Wohnort: nähe Günzburg ^^
Beiträge: 776
Registriert: 04.05.2008 01:08


17.02.2011 11:16

100 gramm machen bei einem markierer sehr viel aus das habe ich gemerkt als ich von ner dm6 damals auf die dm7 ging.man würds nicht glauben aber es ist echt ein ziemlicher unterschied.

für nen hobbyspieler isses wurscht aber wenn man mal ne stunde snappen trainiert merkt man das schon.

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Der alte Mann und das Hub
Wohnort: Frankfurt am Meer
ForumBadges: Bild
Beiträge: 25876
Registriert: 23.09.2003 12:25


17.02.2011 11:43

diese kampagne erreicht zumindest (sowie auch die 250 cal kampagne) das die Axe und Empire in aller Munde sind und das in recht kurzer Zeit.

diese flinte wird ab sofort auf jeden fall eine rolle spielen. :)

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Beiträge: 57
Registriert: 15.01.2011 16:01


17.02.2011 17:33

b!ll hat geschrieben:Dynasty :sleeping:

spielt ego laut facebook

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Wohnort: Mainz
Beiträge: 176
Registriert: 05.11.2008 00:45


17.02.2011 18:58

...es macht mir angst

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Pöbler vom Dienst
Pöbler vom Dienst
Wohnort: BERLIN OST !
Beiträge: 6476
Registriert: 14.03.2006 22:46


17.02.2011 22:54

Florian hat geschrieben:
Here is the first 9 divisional teams signed on to shoot the Empire AXE this season. Congrats and welcome to the Empire... Each team will be wearing Empire clothing, goggles and hoppers and shooting the AXE marker and RPS Paintballs. I would like to thank each one of them for their support this season....

Critical Wrecking Crew a NPPL D 2 squad out of California
Dark Carnival a PSP D 3 squad out of South Carolina
Team Assault a PSP D1 squad out of Maryland
Team Minions a NPPL D2 squad out of Pennsylvania
Louisville Sluggers a PSP D1 squad out of Kentucky
Annihilators a PSP D2 squad out of Florida
Blitzkrieg a PSP D2 squad out of Florida
Team VCK a PSP D1 squad out of Texas
Team ECE a PSP D3 squad out of Florida

2011 is the Year of the AXE... Do you have yours?

Johnny Postorivo
VP of US Sales
KEE Action Sports
This is a great move - paintball guns don't need to cost any more than the axe does to deliver top-line performance. Due to it's lower pressure, the axe is already a more gentle shooter than the mini, and is compatible with mini upgrades to increase performance even further, so there's a big aftermarket of support already. Cocker barrels, ion feednecks, and even the foregrip is swappable from the mini to the axe (it looks a lot 'meaner' than stock). The axe could end up being a very popular platform for years to come, they really used the mini to optimize everything before coming out with this gun.

manchmal is komisch.. :lool:

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Rain Man
Rain Man
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Beiträge: 10709
Registriert: 14.03.2005 17:56


21.02.2011 22:20

Empire Paintball announced today that Vancouver Vendetta will be shooting the Empire AXE marker and will be head to toe Empire in 2011.

“The core of Vancouver Vendetta has been together for over 9 years now and we have always shot RPS paint in our Canadian CPPL Series,” said Team Captain, Mike McDonald. “It was natural for us to shoot the new AXE marker – it’s fast, light, compact, and shoots crazy straight. From the first time we shot it in testing, we have been amazed at its performance. Our relationship with Empire has always been strong and we are delighted to continue our relationship.”

Over the last month, Empire Paintball has announced that Los Angeles Infamous, Sacramento XSV, and Chicago Legend will also be shooting the AXE Marker for the season.

• Extended grip and trigger frame and ergonomic grip for maximum comfort
• Smooth and stable firing platform with feather light kick
• Easy maintenance with unique push-button bolt out back design
• Adjustable bearing trigger with micro-switch activation
• On/Off ASA with integrated pressure regulator

“We are very pleased to have Vendetta shooting the Empire AXE paintball marker,” said KEE’s International Sales Manager, Eric Kruger. “Having them dressed head to toe Empire and shooting an AXE marker is sweet music to my ears.”

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